In Sprinklers and Irrigation Blog

Irrigation for the Garden

For a complete Automatic Garden Watering system, extensions to your own system or just spare parts all under one roof.

We stock all garden pop-up sprinklers, rotor sprinklers and spray sprinklers, irrigation pipe, porous pipe often known as leaky pipe, tap timers, controllers, manifolds, solenoids, barbed fittings, drip irrigation, micro fittings, border sprays, hanging basket drippers, rain train and oscillating sprinklers.

“Sprinkler Irrigation Systems Ltd” can offer you all irrigation products on a supply only or fully installed Irrigation Installation. If you require advice on what to do with what, solutions and advice are always available.

It is unlikely that you will achieve quite the exact levels of consistent and effective watering with traditional methods. They are after all, time-consuming and very wasteful. So choosing a manual or automatic sprinkler system will give you extra time, the knowledge of effective watering like clockwork (if automatic) and intense satisfaction of job well done.

And such a garden will improve your property. Maintain and even increase its value. No matter what your projects require, our comprehensive product line delivers the solutions you need for successful project completion and ease of maintenance. From pressure compensating drip-line, drippers, emitter bugs, to the most sophisticated and accurate point source drippers on the market, we’ve got what you need.

Sprinkler Irrigation Systems Installation

All our Installations come with 12 months backup with a maintenance program should you wish to use. We only use the best materials available for each individual job.

How do we fit the pipe work you ask..?

1. We use a turf cutter to create the run lines.

2. We Then Trench a Hole for our Pipes.

3. The pipes and Sprinklers are Fitted.

4. We back fill as we go.

5. After 6 weeks you wont be able to find where we trenched.


With all Irrigation for the Garden everything ids designed and the water is only used on the plants and lawn for a set amount of time so there is no wasted water.

The controllers can have remote controls fitted and even small weather stations which will water the system when it needs it.


If you require more information on Irrigation for the Garden please do not hesitate to contact us .


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