Hanging Basket, Pot, Tub and Grow Bag Irrigation
Drippers are the heart of any drip irrigation system. The drippers will deliver the precise amount of water required to the plant’s root zone. They are inexpensive, easy to install, reliable and accurate. They may be inserted directly into 16mm poly tubing or extended with 4mm micro tube. Drippers incorporate three different characteristics: pressure compensating, vortex flow and turbulent flow drippers. One of the highlights of many gardens are the hanging baskets and pot tubs.
With such vibrant colour and creative style around today it is important to keep them well watered.
There are numerous products we recommend the spiked drippers as they are fully adjustable to cater for any size plant.
- Octa-mitter adjustable 360 degree 125mm (5”) spike from 0-40 l/h. Unscrew the cap one click at a time to increase the flow. Screwing the cap completely down will stop the flow.
- Flow Spray adjustable 360 degree spray 125mm (5”) spike 0-100 l/h Vortex spray up to 350mm (14”). Unscrew the cap to increase the flow. Screwing the cap completely down will stop the flow.

For hanging baskets, small edge borders, pots and urns. Adjustable flow. Just unscrew the cap and click at a time to increase the flow, screwing the cap down completely will stop the flow. Adjustable flow 0-40 L/H

Vortex Sprayer

Xeri-Bugs Emitters
Ideal for watering the root zones of plants, trees, and container plants. Xeri-Bugs emit water at rates of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 gallons-per-hour (GPH) which allows soils to absorb water more completely into the root zones of plants. Xeri-Bugs are an ideal choice for those wishing to to conserve water or eliminate excessive run-off. Just insert into your supply line with Xeri-Bug Insertion tool.

There are various dippers available from pressure compensated dripper to non pressure compensated which feature a barb that connects to the supply line.
- Can be placed precisely as desired by the grower to meet crop’s requirements.
- Additional drippers can be added for greater density to increase the water quantity applied as required from the plants increased growth.
- Designed for orchard, greenhouse, nurseries and landscaping irrigation.
- Available in various outputs from 1-8lts per hour.

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Not sure what you need?
We offer free expert advice and a full Irrigation design service is available simply call:
We offer free expert advice and a full Irrigation design service is available simply call:
01384 423150 or 01384 913150
01384 423150 or 01384 913150